Gabriel Messuti
Music Producer Morristown NJ
It is extremely refreshing in this day and age to hear an artist put out such vulnerable and personal work.
I have know James for many years. He is someone that I greatly admire. His drive, endurance, compassion for others, thoughtfulness, and love of the world is something I think everyone can learn a little something from,..I know I do.
Geography of the Soul is an extension of his attributes and values. Listening to James Kevin’s music is like being in the room with him. He has a great ability to take his thoughts and translate them into a coherent musical story.
In my opinion it is rare to find an artist that you can get to know this intimately just by listening and feeling the music.
Regardless of your preferred genre or views on music in general, Jameses' sound is that of authenticity and transparency. A beautiful human being… amplifying his message through his craft, and it is worth a listen.
Vernell Hackett
Freelance Journalist, Nashville, Tennessee
You could talk about James Kevin O'Connor's vocals after listening to his latest album, "Geography of the Soul.” You could also mention the heart-felt rock'n roll this musician brings to the disc. You could say he writes about a range of emotions, from the greatest love to the greatest loss.
Yet, you would miss it all if you didn't talk about the man as a singer/songwriter, someone who goes beyond skin deep to really delve into your soul and pull out the memories that were made yesterday or maybe a long time ago. And the melodies give more depth to those lyrics, such as the one that pulls you into the tune "Favorite Song." Light and airy, yet searing at the same time. It's one you remember long after the CD has stopped playing.
O'Connor has said that if he can get the listener to look within, perhaps they can see an inner landscape that allows them to become more enlightened and peaceful. Perhaps he took his own advice on "I Wanna Be Loved," though there is more of an angst in this tune than peace as the guitars wail and he confesses to his love what he needs. Perhaps more along the line of his thoughts on the album is "Drill Down," with the singer begging his love to allow him to know her deepest secrets in order to be able to really reach her. The melody here is more of a "hymn" to his loved one, as he persuade's her to give in to his desires.
This New Jersey/New York Metro musician brings a variety of life stories to this CD that his listeners have no doubt experienced themselves. While he looks for his own answers, the singer provides insight for others in their own lives. Isn't that what music is all about?
Glenn Hoagland
Hudson Valley NY
Deep songwriting instinct meets strong musicianship on James Kevin O'Connor's latest opus, "Geography of the Soul."
James Kevin O'Connor is a metro New York area musician who brings his decades of rock and roll street cred to his never ending learning journey of the soul. The vocals bring together cascading melodies with beautiful harmonies, throaty lows and tenacious highs in a dynamic vocal range, bound together in a driving beat and full instrumental surround.
James Kevin O'Connor's music maps out a territory all its own. It is connected to real life experiences, of love and losses, passion, power, pain, and forgiveness, as he claims his inner flame on each track. He speaks what's true.
Each song has a unique ending that leaves you ready to hear more of this unique and talented artist. And there's no turning back!
R.A. Leslie
Los Angeles, California
The word, “inspired” comes from the Greek word, theopneustos, “God breathed.” “Geography of The Soul”, James Kevin O'Connor's, debut album is exactly that—
God inspired.
Born and raised in, West Orange, New Jersey, James Kevin O’Connor, also knows as “KO”, began his musical career at the tender age of twenty. His natural inclination for singing and playing the guitar came to him in a gush of inspiration, perhaps the same way any authentic artist creates, as if God breathed into them.
O’Connor writes and sings his songs from a place where many of us never dare to traverse: our souls. Taken from his depths, O’Connor, sometimes gently and others times more insistently guides his listeners to a subtle, but clear message: Why just settle for the map, when you’re welcome to the Territory.
Now, there’s no need to settle for the map, “Geography of The Soul”— all our souls, is available to each of us, if only we take the time to drill deep...“I’ve been wandering ’round for years and years trying to break free from the pain, maybe all I ever really needed was to recognize, and claim,my own inner flame"~
GOS blends a hearty mixture of Sex and religious aftermath. A searching for one’s own voice is the theme of this very indie album. James Kevin O’Connor has a flare for being able to poetically and melodically communicate to any audience, in an intelligent and honest sound.
“If wishes were windows, I'd open one and find, That freedom is really a simple state of mind...”
Come, join Geography of The Soul and discover a state of mind, unlike any other—kind.
Fellow Musicians Comment
“Fantastic Music Video” (on Favorite Song) From Amanda Castro
Great Voice and Songs! The material exudes professionalism and quality from every note, reminds me a little of Mark Cohn of “Walkin in Memphis fame". -David Layton-Guitarist
“Wonderful Voice and Songs! New heights in creativity to you James! -Dmitry Ivanenko, Composer
Ride On is Hot!!……….. -Amanda Pollard
Wonderful Sound, Great Talent! -J.O.A.
“Ride On” Awesome tune and wonderful vocals James! - Chrissy D
Loving your performances on these great tunes, enjoy listening to your music, -Stefani Fedra
Great, Inspiring, uplifting Music. Feel the spirit, Awesome! -Gesso Mystic Eyes~
“My heart is spinning like a roulette wheel” Loving that bridge and the rocking strong pulse that builds on “Drill Down” bro…….feels like the song is built around one chord, so primal and so chant-like……I really dig your vibe James…….Nicely done!……….. -Mike White Presents Beautiful Music and Lyrics!
“Ride On” is so special! Very nice production too! -Idril from Greece
You have written and recorded wonderful songs James, Keep singing, writing & Recording! -Kevin Scott Hughes
“Drill Down”, excellent track, great sound :) -Debbie Moore
Lovely and unique sound. Thank you for sharing your talent, God Bless! -Laramie Cooley
Great Performances, wonderful songs. My list is playing, “Ride On”………. -Magicsong
Awesome lyrics and “Favorite Song” is really nice! -Anna Zaccaria
Listening to your vocals on “Ride On”! Great Sound! Your Fan -Jxmmy Jxnes