"I Wanna Be Loved", and don't we all? On the Storyteller Series of dHarmic Evolution.
dHarmic Evolution ranking
Hey Everyone!, First off, our rankings in iTunes music category for the dHarmic Evolution Podcast has been very strong the past 3 weeks, as of this writing we are #2 in Canada, #2 in The USA, #3 in the UK, and #2 in Australia, and have been in and out of the #1 spot in all 4 Countries over the last few weeks. Thank you my friends and supporters from around the world for supporting not only the show dHarmic Evolution International Podcast and TV show, but also supporting all of the 170+ artists and guests who have been on this show, you are making a difference in their careers, Thank you!
I Wanna Be Loved
What is about love that causes entire countries/armies to rise up against each other, all in the name of love? I share some things about this deep subject in this weeks dHarmic Evolution podcast #DE173 (included in this blog below) I dug up one of the stronger tracks from my 2014 Release, "Geography of The Soul" album, titled "I Wanna Be Loved" it is a Microcosm of the subject we cover today in depth, "Love", with all of the highs and low's, the ecstasy, the misery, the joy and the catastrophe, and everything in between. https://bit.ly/2KYiO33
Huffington Post
I wanted to share an article from the Huffington Post written by Pragito Dove that really hones in on the subject of Love for today's broadcast, it was completely serendipitous when I googled something very arbitrary about Love and up came Pagito's article, it seemed totally appropriate to share her awesome work with you today.
For those who missed it, I would suggest you check out my interview with Chara Rodriguera on #DE170, https://apple.co/2zU1pUf Chara just released a fabulous book of poems (25 original beauties!) complete with self-images, (something she started years before the selfie was even thought of) Hope you enjoy my reading of her amazing poem, it's the title of the book and one of my fav's "Breathe"
Deepak Chopra
I had to throw in a few lines from Deepak, as I went through my library I pulled out a copy of "The Path to Love" one I had enjoyed reading a few years back and wanted to share a few pearls as only Deepak can. "Romance is set apart from all other forms of love by the intensity of bliss, bliss is natural to life, but once we cover it over, we must search for it in others"
J Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti always inspires creative thinking as he had habitually always seemed to think completely out of the norm. I am sharing a few ideas from his fabulous book "On Love and Loneliness" One of the questions he poses is, how am I to get rid of fear, that influences all of my activities? Krishnamurti responds, "This is a very complex question requiring close attention, and if we do not follow and explore it fully in the sense of experiencing each step as we go along, we will not be able (at the end of it), to be free, or clear.
I Wanna Be Loved (The Song)
Listen to this Gem with outstanding lead guitar work by James Mitchell, Bass by Jim Hyatt, Keyboards by Paul Hollowell, Drums by Wayne Killius, Acoustic guitar Glen Duncan. Produced by Kim Copeland. It's from the "Geography of the Soul" Album, music Row Nashville TN. https://bit.ly/2KYiO33
Listen to the entire show right here, play, or send off to a friend right in the player!